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DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Invites applications for the position of the postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Human Physiology and Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Collegium Medicum, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Status: Aktualne

The announcement relates to the project " The impact of RAGE/Diaph1 deletion on reducing retina and optic nerve damage in diabetes" - NCN OPUS 24, contract number 2022/47/B/NZ5/00898

Requirements to apply for the position: 

  • PhD degree in medical, veterinary, bioengineering, biological or related sciences, obtained in the year of employment in the project or in the period of 7 years before January 1 of the year of employment in the project (in the case of persons who have obtained more than one doctoral degree, the reference date is the date of obtaining the first of them). This period may be extended by a time of long-term (in excess of 90 days) documented sick leaves or rehabilitation leaves granted on account of being unfit to work. In addition, the period may be extended by the number of months of a childcare leave granted pursuant to the Labor Code and in the case of women, by 18 months for every child born or adopted. 
  • the candidate obtained a doctoral degree in an entity other than the entity where employment in the post-doc position is planned, or completed at least 10-month, continuous and documented postdoctoral fellowship in an entity other than the entity implementing the project and in a country other than the country of obtaining the degree doctor;
  • the principal investigator was not a supervisor or auxiliary supervisor of the candidate's doctoral dissertation.

Description of required expertise and skills:

  • experience in working with laboratory animals (mice, rats) confirmed by publications.
  • expertise in basic techniques of immunochemistry (staining, immunoblotting, ELISA), molecular biology (genotyping, RT-PCR) and principals of cell culture;
  • competence in the use of statistical program (GraphPad or Statistica);
  • competence in the use of software for the analysis and processing of microphotography (Image J);
  • fluency in spoken and written English.


Expected profile of the candidate

  • The person applying for the above-mentioned position should be characterized by a high degree of motivation, openness and the ability to work both independently and in a team, as well as the ability to critically evaluate the results obtained.


Task description:

  • experimental studies involving the comparative assessment of the impact of long-term hyperglycemia on the degree of retinal and optic nerve degeneration, vascular proliferation, inflammation and differences in the protein expression profiles of substances involved in the RAGE-Diaph1 signaling pathways in wild-type (WT) and RAGE-Diaph1 knockout mice with pharmacologically induced type 1 diabetes;
  • validation of results by pharmaceutically blocking RAGE-Diaph1 signaling in retinal cell cultures in normal and hyperglycemic environments using an available RAGE-Diaph1 signaling inhibitor.


Conditions of employment:

  • full-time employment
  • period of employment: 36 months;
  • remuneration of approximately PLN 11,660 gross/gross per month (with employer's surcharges, including the 13th salary) financed by the National Science Center project;
  • work as part of the research project of the National Science Center - OPUS 24 entitled: "The impact of RAGE/Diaph1 deletion on reducing damage to the retina and optic nerve in diabetes" - under the supervision of dr hab. n. med. Judyta Juranek, prof. UWM;
  • during the period of receiving remuneration under the project, the employed person will not receive any other remuneration from the funds allocated as direct costs from research projects financed under NCN calls, shall not receive remuneration from another employer under an employment contract, including from an employer based outside territory of Poland, will not receive retirement benefits from the social security system.


The process of submitting offers:

  • A full list of application documents should be submitted to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine, Collegium Medicum, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, al. Warszawska 30.
  • In addition, please send your CV, cover letter and information on your current scientific and research and organizational achievements by e-mail to the following address: 


List of required documents:

  1. official application letter (addressed to the Vice-Rector for Scientific Policy and Research of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn);
  2. curriculum vitae and cover letter;
  3.  personal questionnaire (approved by UWM);
  4. a copy of the diploma or a certificate of obtaining a doctoral degree;
  5. a copy of the university diploma;
  6. a document confirming the knowledge of the English language;
  7. information on previous scientific, research and organizational achievements (publications, certificates, diplomas, awards, internships and courses, etc.);
  8. a statement on the state of health that allows you to work as a postdoctoral researcher
  9. a statement that the UWM in Olsztyn will be the primary place of work within the meaning of the Act of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2021, item 478);
  10. consent to the processing of personal data (approved by UWM).

Relevant documents are available at:



  1. The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn reserves the right to cancel the application procedure by the Rector without any given reason. Failure to inform the candidate about the results of the procedure is equivalent to rejection of their offer.
  2. Selected Candidates will be informed about the date of the interview. The candidate who receives the highest number of points on the ranking list will be employed.
  3. Additional information is available from the Principle Investigator, dr hab. n. med. Judyta Juranek, prof. UWM, e-mail:
  4. The deadline for submitting applications is on the 10th of September, 2023
  5. The closure of the application procedure will occur by: 29th of September 2023



Dr hab. n. med. Leszek Gromadziński, prof. UWM 



Podmiot udostępniający:
Wydział Lekarski
Wytworzono przez:
dr hab. n. med. Leszek Gromadziński, prof. UWM
Data wytworzenia:
9 sierpnia 2023
Opublikowano przez:
Zofia Konopka
Data opublikowania:
10 sierpnia 2023 14:52
Aktualizowano przez:
Zofia Konopka
Data aktualizacji:
10 sierpnia 2023 14:52